It is very interesting how God chooses to answer prayer, and how He chooses to work out His plan. The past two months have been a learning journey for me that has been interesting to say the least.
When I looked into the Masters Program two months ago, I learned that I needed to take a writing course that I had not taken before I would be accepted. This disappointed me, as I was very excited to begin pursuing my Masters Degree, but I signed up to take that writing class at Columbus State Community College starting in January via the web. Since that class was required before I would be accepted into the Master's Program I fully expected to start the Master's Program in September rather than January. But then, in what seemed like a sign from God that January was the right start date for me, I was accepted into the Master's Program on a provisional basis, meaning I could start in January, and as long as I completed the writing course within the 2012 calendar year, all would be well.
I have been concerned about doing multiple classes at two different schools (I am taking the writing class at Columbus State Community College because it is a lot cheaper) and this has been a subject of much prayer. "I am willing to do both God, but only if that is what you want for me. I feel like it will be too much, but then, I don't know what you have planned for me anyway, so this all feels like 'too much'."
I believe in 'laying out my fleeces'. I prayed and asked God to open doors and make possible what He wanted me to do, show me the way by opening and / or closing doors. Yesterday, He closed a door, and He did so in such a unique way that it is undeniably His work. You see, registration for classes at CSCC opened in early November. There are over 60 different times the writing class I need is offered, and there were 22 online classes offered. I signed up for one of the online classes.
Last Friday I found out that the online class I had signed up for was not open to first time students of CSCC. A 'glitch' had allowed me to sign up for the class, but I was going to have to choose another group. I looked online last Friday when I got the news and there were several openings in several classes, so I decided to wait until this week and actually go to the campus to sign up for my class figuring this way I couldn't accidentally sign up for the wrong class again.
This turn of events also caused me to spend the weekend in prayer. A lot of questions swirled in my head, "Is this a sign? Am I supposed to wait until summer to take the writing class? Is it wise to begin the Masters Program, knowing I will need to take this writing class or potentially lose my status as a Provisional Student? Would it be smarter to wait until this class was complete before starting a new program?"
When I got to CSCC on Wednesday, I found answers to all of my prayers. I found that all of the online study possibilities had filled up since Friday, and incredibly, out of almost 20 classes being offered in the evenings, only two had seats available, both on Tuesday evening. The Master's Program will be meeting on Tuesday evenings. I obviously can't be in two places simultaneously.
It occurred to me that the amount of tuition support that has come in is $10 more than the cost of the writing class at CSCC, and $600 shy of what I need for the first class in the Master's Program. So, with one day to spare, I received my answer. One class at a time, and start the Masters Program after completing the writing class.
So, next Tuesday evening, I start my writing class at CSCC. Over the next three months I will write research papers, several of them. After talking with someone at the school about this class, I am glad I am not going to be trying to do this simultaneously with anything else. It is apparently a pretty grueling class with writing assignments every week that must be researched, documented, footnoted, etc. The first program in the Masters Program entails four written book reviews, as well as a research paper... That would have been a LOT of writing to do if I had taken both classes at once...
God is GOOD. He knows the plans He has for us...
While I must admit, I am slightly disappointed, I must also admit that I am completely at peace and relieved. Relieved to know that my anxiety is for naught. He is in control. He knew all along what His plan was, and He used this time to teach me to rely on Him rather than my own understanding and desires.
I believe I will start my Masters Program in 2012, it just won't be in January. I am still very excited to begin the Masters Program and I will still keep this blog updated with all that is happening, because a lot will be happening. I will still covet your prayers and support as God works out His plan for me.
Postponing the start of my Masters studies opens another door as well... More on that soon.
Until His work in me is Complete...
Paul, congratulations on taking this step. 10 years ago I did my MDiv at McMaster Divinity College/McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Canada. I took 8 years to complete it and I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope your journey is as enriching and rewarding as I found mine to be.